Anonymous Law Firm LLP is one of the world's most celebrated law firms, or at least we like to think so. With clients, attorneys, values and traditions, the Firm holds a place of its own in most directories of legal enterprises. Our lawyers provide a range of billable services to clients, and are familiar with many of the things that attorneys ought to understand. Our global presence reflects the existence of offices worldwide. Our work indicates a longstanding commitment to maximizing profits, and an unparalleled dedication to the perception of success.


Our recruiting efforts are focused on convincing individuals from top law schools to look no further than our firm for some of the most typical opportunities in the industry. Learn more inside, or apply here.

News Updates

April 15, 2007. "Anonymous Lawyer" released in paperback in the US. Purchase it here or read the reviews.

December 21, 2006. Wish your favorite lawyer season's greetings with an Anonymous Lawyer holiday e-card. Bar Exam e-cards here.

December 16, 2006. "Anonymous Lawyer" on the Rocky Mountain News' "Favorite Books of 2006" list here! Purchase it now.

Contact: jeremy@anonymouslawfirm.com. © 2006 Henry Holt and Company.